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Monday, February 27, 2012

guest post: lara from simply irresistible

In honor of my Parisian adventure, I bring you Lara from the drool-worthy blog, Simply Irresistible. She is my go-to for recipes and everything in between.

I'm so happy to be here sharing one of my favorite recipes with Julia's lovely readers (but let's be honest, I'd much rather be traveling the world with Julia). Le sigh. I promise that with the below recipe, you'll feel like you're far from home...  like in a cottage in the Swiss Alps or in a small cafe among a Parisian

white wine + cheese fondue

Fondue is one of the easiest meals of all time
With that being said, it's also a fancy meal
It has a rich taste & a social presentation

Meant to be shared with someone special
it's my go to meal for romantic dates at home
or for a winter time girls night

here's what you'll need... 
1 cup dry white wine
1/2 pound shredded swiss cheese
1/2 pound shredded gruyere cheese
2 1/2 tablespoons flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
a pinch of nutmeg

cut into bite size pieces
french bread
raw vegetables
green apples

here's what to do... 
Simmer wine in fondue pot. Slowly add shredded cheeses, allowing them
to melt into the wine before adding the next handful. Once all the
cheese has melted, add in flour, salt, and nutmeg. Whisk everything
together. Keep over a low flame to serve.

Wow. I'm drooling. This is perfection. Thank you Lara! xo

Also, please find me on Elembee today posting about my favorite patterns and how to incorporate them into your life. xo


christin said...

I love fondue. And why are you off globe trotting while the rest of us have to get up and go to work? I wanna be in Paris!!!

Alex {Things That Sparkle} said...

YUMMMMM this makes me miss cheese so very much.

Ashley {styleash} said...

This looks absolutely amazing- and so simple to make! I will be trying this recipe soon, Yum!

Landi said...

Oh dear god... this looks AMAZING! I'm so going to {attempt} at this recipe this coming weekend with my mom coming in town!! xo

One Stylish Day at a Time said...

Oh yum! I just made a very similar recipe for valentine's day and it was AMAZING.

Alexa said...

I LOVE all of her recipes! So yummy!

Taylor said...

great guest post! I've never made fondue before but this makes it seem like something I could actually try! And I agree that it's a fun, romantic twist on dinner!

viv said...

I'm personally a tad bit obsessed with cheese so this recipe is perfect!

Natalie said...

This looks incredible -- bookmarking so I can try ASAP!

Carly Haslee said...

MUST. TRY. THIS. AT. HOME. Looks amazing!

The Peak of Tres Chic said...

Oh my goodness I am literally foaming at the mouth. This reciepe sounds to die for.

Sarah Roads said...

One of my favorite fun meals. Sounds SO good right now. Putting it on list for grocery store tomorrow! thanks!

lauren @ la petite fashionista said...

the bf took me to melting pot for valentines day (my favorite!). and i'm SO anxious to have fondue again. I will have to surprise him with this. SO yummy!