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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Guest Post: Realistic New Year's Resolutions: 2012

Hi everyone! My name is Hannah, hailing from my blog Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget. A big thank you to Julia for having me today! Julia and I are sorority sisters from halfway across the country…add our love for blogging and you get an insta-friendship! We felt it was perfect timing to go over some New Years Resolutions, but not the same old resolutions that everyone makes EVERY year…

“I wanna lose 5 pounds.” “I’m gonna eat really healthy.” “I’m gonna find my future husband.” “I’m going to only drink on Fridays.”

No one ever keeps those resolutions up past February…let’s get real. So here are some resolutions you can ACTUALLY keep.

1.     Stop overspending.  If you buy one thing, you should make a rule that you need to get rid of something else. I always pay with cash, never a credit card. Save the credit card for big-purchase necessity items that you KNOW you will pay off. 

2.     Play outdoors.  Get outside, no matter where you live.  I know I don’t spend enough time with mother nature.

3.     Pay it forward.  Pay someone else a compliment and see how it makes you feel. 

4.     Quit tanning beds for GOOD.  I am guilty of a fake bake every now and then…but with one of my best friends just getting skin cancer, I’m quitting for good. Here is my favorite sunless tanner that doesn’t make you look like an oompa loompa:

5.     Eat breakfast.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for a reason. I find that when I eat a healthy breakfast, I’m less hungry at lunchtime. I keep a box of oatmeal at my work desk at all times. No excuses!

6.     Take more bubble baths.  Don’t knock it til you try it. Your favorite magazine, Mr. Bubble, candles, and a glass of red wine is the BEST way to spend some alone time, and my favorite way to unwind after work. You deserve it girl. 

Thanks again Julia! And I love new friends, so don't be a stranger everyone!



Thanks Hannah!! I love all of these -- especially to take more bubble baths. Be sure to check out my list of resolutions on her blog today! xo


Carly {a simple affair} said...

These are some of my favorite resolutions I have yet to hear. I need to add the not overspending and quitting tanning beds for good to my list. I'm guilty of going once or twice. Nothing too crazy, but I know I should not be going at all. Thanks so much for sharing!



christin said...

I really need to spend more time outside and start eating breakfast again. I don't know why I stopped. Two years ago I gave up tanning for good and I've learned to embrace my paste!

The Peak of Tres Chic said...

Ok, these are some do-able resolutions. I like the idea of being more conscious of others and yourself through getting out in nature, paying compliments, and so on. Thanks for sharing!



Unknown said...

Great resolutions. Happy New Year!

viv said...

These resolutions are SO up my alley! I would love to be able to accomplish all these in 2012. Wish me luck!

Samantha said...

I'm with Viviana, these are perfect, achieveable resolutions! I'm adding taking a dance class vs. "working out". I hate working out, but as a former dancer, it's my favorite way to stay in shape!

Jenna // The Life of the Wife said...

These are really great resolutions! I hope you keep them, because I can NEVER keep mine! So more power to you!


Ashley {styleash} said...

Such great resolutions and I definitely need to add stop overspending and eat breakfast to my list for 2012.

Thanks for sharing!

Shanelé said...

all great ones!! love it!!
