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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

new blog revealed!

the Urban Slant 2.0

As you have probably noticed, the Urban Slant got a much deserved facelift! After being so warmly welcomed into the blogging world, I decided that I wanted to take the opportunity to give my blog a makeover.

I see my blog as digital extension of myself, and I wanted it to represent who I am -- down to every last detail. While I'm somewhat saavy on Photoshop, I had no idea where to begin on backend developing, design, installation etc. Enter the extremely talented Danielle Moss.

I heard of Danielle through my good friend, blogging inspiration and also the brains behind my apartment makeover, Alex. One look at Danielle's portfolio, and I knew she was sheer perfection.

Major. Genius.

After a few email exchanges,  I was BLOWN away by her attention to detail, and understanding of how I wanted my blog to look and feel. She was so helpful, and had so many great ideas. Et voila! 

Welcome to the new Urban Slant.

Some of you may be asking how I got the name. Back in college I was brainstorming blog ideas for advertising (my major). Enter the word "Slant". Slant means an opinion, or idea.

Now, why Urban? Urban defines who I am right now - a twenty-something living in New York City. This blog is a collection of all things that inspire me in this crazy jungle, and a place where I can keep track of my latest must-haves, trends, goals etc.

I hope you all like the new design, and that you'll continue to follow and support me. Each and every one of your comments make my day, and I am feeling so very blessed to have so many followers, in so little time.

No new post today, just a big huge THANK YOU to Danielle, Alex and all my new blog friends.


Sara said...

The blog looks great!!!

Michelle said...

It looks great! I will have a new look in December or January and can't wait! It is so true that it should represent you!

Danielle Moss said...

You are SO welcome! Thank you for the mention on your blog!!! xo

Alexa said...

Danielle is amazing, she designed our social media buttons! :)

Kirsten Harr said...

So cute, Julia! I love it. I love how the labels are slanted--an "urban slant"...sorry if that was too corny haha :)

Chic Coles said...

looks great a lot of hard work. have fun with it.

Alex {Things That Sparkle} said...

Aw I am so so so glad you liked Danielle how could you not right?? It looks gorgeous, congrats!!

Jo G - Musings and Delights said...

Looks fantastic! I am hopeless with design programs too, so my blog is a little, well, plain.

Lesley Rials Napper said...

Julia, it looks great!! I love it! Danielle is such a very talented graphic designer!