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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

now playing

You know how certain scents trigger memories? Music does that for me, but with exponentially more feeling. If I hear Wagon Wheel, I'm immediately back in my friend Kelly's kitchen before going out in Dallas. If I hear The Black Eyed Peas, Meet Me Halfway, I'm on a tour bus in the South of France battling a too-much-wine induced hangover (beautiful drive -- horrible sickness).

Lately, I've been in a serious British inspired mood. My two most recent love affairs have been with Florence + The Machine and Mumford and Sons. I first discovered Florence while studying in Paris two years ago -- before she was popular in America. I was so intrigued by her raw talent, and unique melodies.

My love for her has grown even more with her new album, Ceremonials. It has a darker, more personal edge to it, and it is perfection.

Their music speaks to me. Every individual lyric is crafted with such perfection that I like to think they were written for me.

"In these bodies we will live. In these bodies we will die. Where you invest your love, you invest your life."

"And i'm damned if I do, and I'm damned if i don't. So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road. And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope...and it's hard to dance with a devil on your back, so shake it off."

What songs are you currently listening to? I'm always looking for new music. I hope you all run to iTunes and buy Florence's new album. You will not be disappointed. Oh, and buy the Mumford and Sons album, too!


Alex {Things That Sparkle} said...

Oh love this! Thanks for sharing

Jackie @yorkavenue said...

Thanks for posting Florence and the Machine, that reminded me they have a new album! I definitely need that.

Charlotte Beckwith said...

LOVE both of these artists - this definitely just brightened up my morning, thanks boo boo!

Unknown said...

I love both of these artists! Great choices!

{madison} said...

I love florence! She gets me through work. She is amazing:)

Michelle said...

I love both these artists, and music has the same effect on me. Only for me, it's like an album can represent a certain period of my life.

Grace (The Stripe) said...

Love Florence! Great post. Hope your week is off to a great start!

Kirsten Harr said...

AHH me too! I love working out to Florence and Mumford!!

alyssa said...

shake it out is my favorite of their new album, good pick :)

Erica said...

Hey! Great song selections!
Based on your taste; you might enjoy:

Never had nobody like you by M. Ward
Big Black Car by Gregory Alan Isakov
The Suburbs (arcade fire cover) by Mr. Little Jeans
