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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

almost famous

Maybe It's the Holiday season, maybe it's the winter, maybe it's the post-college blues...whatever it is, I'm missing Chicago like woa.

Even though I was just back, I find myself missing it more and more. There is something about the place you grew up that no other place will ever be quite the same. 

Don't get me wrong, I love New York, but I think a part of my heart will always be in Chicago. 

The one movie that will always make things better is Almost Famous. It is the most perfect movie ever made, and the soundtrack is equally amazing. It depicts the era that I would have liked to live in, and masters the art of story telling through the most intricate of characters. 

Today I leave you with a snippet of the best scene in the movie. 

William: "I have to go home."
Penny Lane: "You are home."

Penny Lane: "A ticket to Morocco. A seat by the window please."

Happy Wednesday! I'l actually be heading back home again this Friday to attend my Mom's first art show! Stay tuned for more details :-)


christin said...

I completely agree. I feel the same way about San Francisco. Have a great time at home! Good luck to your mom, that is so exciting.

Alex {Things That Sparkle} said...

Awww home is the best isnt it?

Emily {Isnt That Charming} said...

Sure a sweet post!
There's truly nothing like Chicago :)
Oh - Fancy That.

sara @ the hudson diaries said...

You were JUST home last week and you're going home again this weekend and you'll be back again for xmas in 2 weeks...Just sayin. Love you sees.

Courtney said...

Aw! I love Almost Famous. Glad to hear you're going back to Chicago soon. I can't wait for my first trip out there for Oct. 6!!

Mandy@OrangeAutumn said...

I love almost famous, great movie!! Chicago is always fun to visit, so I can see why you miss it. Glad to see that you get to go home soon though, have fun with the art show, how exciting!! I'm a new follower. I'm looking forward to seeing how the show turns out!

The Peak of Tres Chic said...

I am obsessed with this movie, and the bohemian era in general! SO glad I stumbled upon your blog, I am in love with it! I am a new follower. :)

